LETTER: Dirty, dangerous deer need to go

Dear Editor, 

I read with interest the notice of an aggressive deer notice in Drake Landing. 

Why would an alert be put out in one area of Okotoks when there are aggressive deer in virtually every park or green space in town? 

I walk my dog every day and almost every week there is an encounter with a deer that would normally make a person be concerned. There have been times over the past few years that I have taken bear spray with me or a walking stick for protection. 

This is in town where the deer rule almost every green space or park. They graze with impunity, and if you get too close, they will charge at you. 

A responsible pet owner cleans up after their dog, and there have been many times where I have to figure out how to pick up after my dog, and not get a bunch of deer droppings as well. I refuse to pick up after the deer. It is disgusting and unhealthy in the park across from my house. 

The Town and the taxpayers have paid for a study on the deer population in this town and absolutely nothing has changed. They and the deer supporters have done nothing to mitigate the situation that is getting to a dangerous point. 

The last time I checked, there was no Mr. and Mrs. Mule Deer listed on any land titles in this town, and it is time the Town took action, which Kimberley, B.C. has started, and cull the population of deer before someone gets hurt. 

Being hurt is one thing, but the result could be a lawsuit naming the town as a responsible party to the injury. Money talks, so it is time we did something, other than another study by people afraid to offend a certain minor segment of our population. 

The deer need to go. 

Ted Davis 


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