LETTER: Locals shouldn’t lose hours to temporary foreign workers

Dear Editor, 

Are there currently any fast-food outlets in Canada that do not employ temporary foreign workers (TFW)? In Southern Alberta, outlets are now mostly staffed by TFWs. 

The regulations state the use of TFWs is not justified when there are local people to fill the openings. If it was done through LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment), it specifically states: Employers must show that they really need TFWs. 

When Canadian staff lose hours and struggle to find other means of making up for lost wages, the need for TFWs becomes questionable. 

In my community, this has happened to several local residents, with hours cut and some getting no hours at all. Do the owners not have some obligation to these people? 

It is the community members upon whom these owners rely to purchase their goods, a fact that appears to have been overlooked here. Loyalty is out the door. 

While there is no objection to owners making a profit, the poor treatment of our workers is an entirely different matter. 

Mike Power 

Diamond Valley 

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