LETTER: Restrict growth so we can live in peace

The Sheep River flows under the Laurie Boyd Bridge on April 15, 2023.

Dear Editor, 

Re: Mayor asks households to cut water use by 10%, April 17, and Typical home's water bill goes beyond Tier 1, April 10 

Not too many years ago, the mayor and council of the day understood the limits of the Sheep River and access to potable water for their community.  They put a moratorium on growth of all kinds. They were smart. 

Now, the mayor implores residents to cut water use to conserve, but doesn't talk about stopping or even slowing down growth in Okotoks. Who pays the price? The residents. 

Isn't it time to push back on these politicians and let them know we've had enough with their punishing restrictions and high water bills and that it is time for them to restrict growth so that we can live in peace, as we were meant to? 

Roxanne Walsh 

Diamond Valley 

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