GALLERY: Chuckwagons, chariots and bulls at Millarville Racetrack

Carter Wildcat accelerates through the track during the chariot races at the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Dale Young leaves Dwayne Arcand in the dust during the chuckwagon races at the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Bullrider Clay Gordon holds on during the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Sam Johnson makes his way past the barrels during the chuckwagon races at the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Daxton Young makes his way through the track during the chariot races at the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Kendyl Bengtson's ponies dash during the mini-chuckwagon races at the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Clay Gordon is sent off his bull during the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Cody Big Tobacco practices ahead of the Indian relay race at the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Travis Mcguire heads onto the track ahead of the Indian relay race at the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Kendyl Bengtson's ponies dash during the mini-chuckwagon races at the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Wyatt Milgate shows the audience how it's done by clearing eight seconds atop a bull during the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Blue Sun Relay brings out the team's horses ahead of the Indian relay race at the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Clayton Wildcat leads the pack during the chuckwagon races at the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Jim O’Connor hustles during the chuckwagon races at the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.
Bentley Nordick weaves through the barrels during the mini-chuckwagon races at the Millarville Chucks, Chariots, and Bulls on Sept. 7.

The Millarville Chuckwagons, Chariots & Bulls Under the Lights 2024 ran Sept. 6-8 at the Millarville Racetrack, featuring the Alberta Professional Chuckwagon and Chariot Association (APCCA) Finals and Bull Riders Canada’s Bulls Under the Lights.

Two members of the Siksika Nation, Cody Big Tobacco and Travis Mcguire, took part in an intense Indian relay race during the Sept. 7 event — the two talented riders were featured in the Sundance Film Festival award-winning 2018 documentary Fast Horse

Proceeds from the event will go towards three local charities this year: the Oilfields Food Bank, Heaven Can Wait and 4H clubs in the Millarville area.

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