A missing stop sign in Okotoks will be replaced months after a resident first spoke up about it.
The missing stop sign is at a three-way stop on Westmount Road behind the Westmount Centre commercial area.
Okotoks resident Tom Sherry said when he approached the Town with safety concerns about the missing sign, he was told the stop sign was on private property and not the Town’s responsibility.
“Between three and five months it’s been going on with the Town, and they’ve done nothing about it,” Sherry said.
Comments made on a post about the issue in a local Facebook group suggest Sherry was not the only one concerned about the missing sign.
“There was a lot of support,” Sherry said, adding others said they had also contacted the Town about the missing sign.
Town of Okotoks spokesperson Ben Morgan said they had been made aware of the missing stop sign and confirmed that it was on private property.
“The Town, or any municipality for that point, doesn't go around installing signs and doing maintenance on private property,” Morgan said, adding that proper signage is a requirement on commercial land.
After tracking down the management company responsible for the property, the Town contacted it on June 21 and again on July 6, telling it the sign needs to be replaced or enforcement action would be taken.
"We will always try to take (an) education approach first before going into enforcement and fines and all that kind of stuff," Morgan said.
The property management company hired a contractor, and the sign is scheduled to be replaced on July 10, he said.