NOTICE OF APPEAL BOARD HEARINGS The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board for Foothills County will hear the following appeals on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at the time indicated below. 1. HEARD AT 1:00 P.M. - Development Permit 24D 104 DESCRIPTION: Appeal against the Partial Refusal of Development Permit 24D 104 LEGAL: Plan 9710197, Lot 1; NE 32-21-29 W4M 2. HEARD AT 2:00 P.M. - Development Permit 24D 116 DESCRIPTION: Appeal against the Refusal of Development Permit 24D 116 LEGAL: Ptn NW 13-20-01 W5M 3. HEARD AT 3:00 P.M. - Development Permit 24D 121 DESCRIPTION: Appeal against the Approval of Development Permit 24D 121 LEGAL: Plan 9711274, Block 3, Lot 2; Ptn. NW 25-21-02 W5M During the hearing, the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board will hear from the Appellants, Applicants, from any person served with notice of the hearing who wishes to be heard, and from any other person who claims to be affected by the proposed development AND whom the Board agrees to hear. Appeal board hearings will now be conducted in a hybrid format whereby participants may attend in person at the Foothills County Administration Building or by way of electronic communications using the Zoom video conferencing/conference calling platform. Participation may be conducted using one of the following methods: You may either appear in person at the Foothills Administration Building or participate via Zoom Video Conferencing/Conference calling. In order to participate, you must first register by email to [email protected] and include the following information: • Name of Applicant, Application, or File Number, and Date and Time of the Appeal Board Hearing(s) you are attending • Your Name (you must use the same spelling when registering and when signing in through Zoom) • How you will attend the Hearing (i.e., in-person, by video conference, or by telephone (conference call) • Email address • Mailing address • Phone number (for contact purposes in case there are technical difficulties during the hearing) • Your purpose for attending (i.e., appellant, agent, neighbouring landowner in support of, or in opposition to, the application, etc.) Deadline for registration is 12:00 P.M. on Thursday, September 12, 2024. Only registered participants will be allowed access to the hearing and late registrations will not be accepted. Once registered, instructions outlining how to connect by way of video conferencing or conference call will be sent to you. You will receive an email with detailed instructions within 24 hours of the scheduled hearing date and time. If you are unable to participate through one of the above methods, you may provide a letter in advance of the hearing. Should you choose to submit a letter, please note that they must be received by 12:00 P.M. on Thursday, September 12, 2024. Letters can be submitted by email to [email protected], fax, mail, or dropped off in the mailbox at the front door of the Foothills County Administration Building. Please include your full mailing address and legal description as well as the name of the application or matter you are commenting on. Letters received after the deadline may not be considered by the Board. It is to be noted that all submissions will be considered to be part of a file that can be viewed by the public at any time. Please note that the personal information collected is authorized under the Municipal Government Act and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), Section 33(c). Your comments and name will become a part of a public agenda. Inquiries about the collection of this information should be directed to the Foothills County FOIP Coordinator, P.O. Box 5605, High River, Alberta T1V 1M7. Telephone 403-652-2341. All hearings will be live streamed and can be viewed via YouTube. A link to the YouTube stream will be available on our website at The complete file for each application noted above will be available for viewing on our website at An electronic copy will be made available upon request. Krista Conrad Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Clerk Date of Publication: September 11, 2024