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LETTER: Crackdown needed on reckless scooter behaviour in Okotoks

Driver has had enough after seeing two teenage girls cut off traffic, forcing driver to slam on their brakes, in downtown Okotoks.
Electric scooters wait for riders on the path adjacent to Woodhaven Drive.

Dear Editor, 

I was just driving down North Railway Street at 1:30 p.m. when two young girls, maybe 14 years old, were riding on a rented electric scooter. They were riding double, no helmets, on the street in the very busy traffic. 

In a split second, they decided to make a left turn without a signal, cutting off traffic in both directions, totally off balance and out of control. Cars were slamming on their brakes in both directions as these girls barely made it across without falling off. 

When is the Town or RCMP going to stop this reckless behaviour before some child gets killed? 

Sean Smith 

High River 

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