Dear Editor,
As a tax-paying resident of Foothills County, I am frustrated by the current direction of our municipal government.
Recently, Foothills County council held a second reading of the controversial Highfield Rowland Acres Area Structure Plan, which passed by a vote of 4-3. The council members representing the affected area, along with one other, voted to reject the plan, while the remaining four members are pushing for urban-style development in our rural municipality.
I don’t believe any tax-paying resident within Foothills County wants to see urban-style housing developments, with populations rivaling that of High River, within our borders. These higher-density developments are better suited for urban municipalities, not our rural community.
Recently, our reeve was quoted saying, “We can appreciate that residents have concerns regarding this development and have sent many emails to council. However, we as council cannot respond or consider any of these emails because they are new information.”
This reasoning, stated as an attempt at fairness, begs the question: How is this fair? How are we, as residents, introducing new information when our concerns remain consistent from the first to the second reading? We have not influenced this development in any meaningful way — we are simply being ignored.
Foothills County council, however, has since adopted higher densities than the original area structure plan, to be presented to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB). Yet, the CMRB has since dissolved and we no longer must adhere to this governing body’s rules.
Wouldn’t these changes qualify as new information? Shouldn’t tax-paying residents have the opportunity to voice their concerns once again, in light of these developments?
The most reasonable solution would be for the council and administration to genuinely listen to their residents and find a compromise that aligns with the rural character and growth planning of Foothills County. I urge the council to reopen the public hearing.
I encourage all readers to reach out to council and administration, demanding that the public hearing be reopened. Let them know your concerns about urban densities in our rural county and ask that they change their procedures so residents have a genuine say in the future of our community.
Meghan Roszler
Foothills County
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Foothills County and Double Dipping Harry:
“We know what’s good for you,
Pay up your inflated taxes,(Highest in Southern Alberta)
And shut up.”