Dear Editor,
Canada is truly a wonderful country, a great nation. I am proud to be a Canadian citizen.
Many citizens are unaware of the history of civilization in Canada. Canadian citizens have inherited a diverse, glorious and rich land from which, individually, we can prosper. However, the past 157 years have presented prosperous times as well as very challenging times.
Rapid change has occurred in many aspects of the lives of Canadians during the past 100 years but are Canadians really benefiting from such change that is being introduced?
The rapid and sophisticated introduction of technology, including artificial intelligence, is just cause for a feeling of segregation. Perhaps a counter move may be advantageous, resembling the success of the ' Friendship Train' bringing a common social unity to Canadian citizens as it did in the 1940s, '50s, and '60s.
On the other side of the coin, nature, a willing and competent partner in the homestead days, has all but been forgotten during this period of commercialism. There is something very real about nature's natural elements and how the human body chemistry is balanced.
The children of today are so very valuable, so very special and deserving of the very best. Our children are the leaders of this wonderful country in tomorrow's world. As adults, what are we planning to leave the leaders of tomorrow as a legacy?
Today there is no denying, as an adult with a Canadian citizenship, we have a responsibility to provide opportunities for our children, but also to be that example of a proud Canadian participating, according to our ability and where we can, to make Canada even more wonderful.
The words of a distinguished gentleman, "You have a great country here, but you better look after it!"
E. Keith Dewey
Turner Valley