I hope you saw the spectacular super moon on New Year’s Day night, even on New Year’s Eve. As we drove to our celebrations, we were all in awe. It really was impressive. Watch for a rerun on Jan. 31.
I’m hearing about a new gravel pit in the planning stages near Black Diamond. Does anyone know where the location will be? There is an open house planned at the Turner Valley golf course on Jan. 17 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Following on the heels of free admission to all our national parks and heritage centers last year, admission will be free to the Bar U, and all national parks and heritage sites for anyone under the age of 17 in 2018.
Valley Neighbours Club memberships are due as of Jan. 1. Kevin is still our membership chairman, but any of our executive would be happy to accept your membership fee. It is still $10, which hasn’t changed for as long as I can remember. Due to illness, the January garden club meeting has been cancelled. Plan to get your tickets for Griffith Centre’s dinner on Jan. 17 as seating is limited. Roast pork with all the trimmings for $13.