The Town of Diamond Valley has introduced eGov online account services to provide access to tax and utility account information.
The secure online platform provides residents and property owners with convenient and private access to their accounts.
In a Facebook post on June 25, the Town said features of the service include:
• Utility Accounts: View and print current and historical utility bills.
• Tax Accounts: Access details and print copies of your tax bills.
• Accounts Receivable: Check your receivable account status.
• Licensed Animals: Keep track of any animals you have registered with the town.
For the public, including realtors and lawyers, the service offers a public access option (no registration or login required) where you can:
• View legal descriptions, details and assessed values of properties.
• Request and pay for tax certificates via Visa or Mastercard.
• View basic information on businesses located within the Town of Diamond Valley.
Visit to explore eGov online account services.