Immigrants must embrace our culture

What kind of a person are Canadians looking for when we welcome immigrants?

To begin with this is Canada — plain and simple. This is our country, our land, and our lifestyle. The individual seeking residency into this great country is expected to obey to our laws, our religions, our customs, social morals and so on. Just as what would be expected (even demanded) of us were we to emigrate to other countries.

That same person should be healthy, sound of mind, peaceful, law abiding and have no past criminal record especially to serious or major crimes. That person must be prepared to support themselves by means of legitimate, gainful employment, and contribute to society’s welfare as the majority of Canadians do. That same person must not expect to rely upon our social welfare net simply or solely because they have come to Canada.

While we are not adverse to immigrants bringing their customs with them, and in fact welcome the often wondrous beauty of ancient societies cultures, we must insist these same customs not interfere with the social fabric of our country in any way. Examples of this are observe all statutory holidays (especially Christmas, Easter and Canada Day), and another example is martial monogamy.

Our culture has developed since this country was discovered by people who suffered and fought for our freedom and democracy. In no way are we prepared to have this changed or destroyed.

The newly arrived immigrant must speak either one or the other of the two official languages. They must be prepared to stand up to the test of protecting our country against outside invasion at all costs because this is a duty which all Canadians should, if necessary, be expected to shoulder. After all, it is a privilege to live in Canada.

If any potential immigrant is not prepared to accept the above responsibilities, then they should not make application to immigrate to Canada.

All newcomers must be prepared to accept our flag and contribute to the great mosaic of which this country is comprised.

Should anyone who comes to our great nation be allowed to live, study or work here, make use of our social safety nets but not obtain Canadian citizenship? I am firmly of the opinion that same individual should be granted a grace period of two years, during which time it would be imperative they attempt to seek citizenship, otherwise they be deported regardless of circumstance. Also, anyone who has dual residency and commits crimes outside of Canada such as acts of terrorism or any other heinous acts where human suffering occurs, should automatically be stripped of their Canadian citizenship and be immediately deported to their country of other residency, or turned over to government authorities in the country where they committed a criminal act for trial and punishment. In any case, they should not be allowed to stay or return to Canada. Hopefully soon, there will be a law enacted to this effect.

After settling here, should an immigrant not want to be part of our exceptional country then they should not complain, should not demonstrate, but rather take advantage of another great feature of this country — renounce their Canadian citizenship and emigrate elsewhere or return to their country of origin. Remember, we never asked those persons to immigrate here.

We welcome wholeheartedly all those who want to come here to make a new and better lives for themselves, contribute to the betterment of our society and be the best Canadian they can be, and as such, make an example the rest of the world can admire and wish to emulate.

Canada is among the most wonderful countries of the world. We have freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of association amongst others. We have some of the cleanest and most beautiful landscapes in the world. We have a veritable universe of opportunity for people to work, to study, build businesses and pursue interests of all kinds.

All immigrants must be prepared to keep our country as beautiful as possible and become proud Canadians. It is a privilege to come here, and it is even a greater privilege to live here. This must never be forgotten.

All immigrants to Canada must be prepared to accept and embrace this exceptionally magnificent country.

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