LETTER: Highlighting the benefits of a Foothills biodigester

Rimrock Feeders in Foothills County, west of High River on Aug. 27, 2022.

Dear Editor, 

I can understand the concern about the proposed biodigester at Rimrock Feeders that is going to be situated near High River, but the only thing that seemed to be the issue was the potential smell. 

There was never enough information about the benefits of this project and I would like to name some of them: 

• Cleaning of corrals more often so less odour. 

• The slurry from the biodigester results in very useful fertilizer to replenish the soil. 

• Natural gas produced and sent by pipeline. 

• Solid material used as compost for gardens, lawns and spread on the land. 

• Employment for many workers for the various jobs needed to run the biodigester. 

• Okotoks would benefit in reducing the disposal of human waste through a pipeline to the biodigester to be processed rather than pumping the affluent into rivers. 

• More food would be produced because of the fertilizer generated from the biodigester. 

There are probably more benefits that I haven’t thought of at this time. 

I am more concerned about all these acreages that produce absolutely no food but take good agricultural land and just cut the grass. Most acreages don’t even have a garden or any animals using the grass that is produced. Shame on your waste. 

Stan Richmond 


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