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Open house today on downtown Okotoks redevelopment plans

Residents can see plans for downtown Okotoks and chime in on what’s being proposed during an open house on June 18
NEWS-Okotoks Downtown Businesses BWC 0819 web
Storefronts in downtown Okotoks. The Town is sharing plans for the area during an open house on June 18.

Residents can see plans for downtown Okotoks and chime in on what’s being proposed during an open house today. 

The open house takes place from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Okotoks Art Gallery. 

The Town said details will be shared on two significant projects being planned that will shape the future of the area. 

Our Plan for Downtown is a plan to create redevelopment guidelines and policies and Picture Our Parks will see upgrades to Pisttoo and Triangle parks. 

Feedback can also be submitted through until July 2, the Town said. 

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