Position: Outfielder, left-handed pitcher
Nickname: Geeks
School: Barton Community College
Pre-game routine: Ten minutes of stretching, run, throw, weighted balls, game time
Pre-game meal: Chicken and pasta
Baseball superstition: Don’t step on the foul line
Biggest mentor and why: My dad, has helped me with everything and has made me the person I am today
Best advice you’ve ever received: Don’t sweat the small things, the sun will always come up for a new day
Favourite baseballism: N/A
Fondest baseball memory: Playing in the Dawgs Academy last year
Most embarrassing baseball moment: Dropping a flyball in our provincial tournament back home
Baseball idol: Randy Johnson
Walk-up song: Here Comes the Hotstepper - Ini Kamoze (hitting) Right Now - Van Halen (pitching)
Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba
First impression of Okotoks: A great place and friendly people
Favourite part of being a Dawg: Getting to play in front of the best fans in Canada