321 total votes Added
The Western Wheel poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Okotoks and Foothills or other areas.
The town doesn’t want the liability so the contract have to pay the liability. They don’t want the responsibility.
Instead of filling priority street driveways with windrows of snow 10 times a day, perhaps you can send a plow down the side streets which need it more. Designating priority routes because they are school bus pick-up and drop-off spots means nothing unless the kids can actually get on the bus without climbing over the chunks of snow that are windrowed 2-3 ft high up along the entire route. Why is it okay for the town to push huge chunks of ice and snow on our driveways and at school bus stops? Then, the residents (tax-payers) have to dig it out again so the bus drivers have safe place to drop off and pick up kids? Send a bobcat after your plow to clean up the mess left behind on priority routes. Then, the plows and graders can focus on the side streets that never get touched.
Asking if we want to spend more money on snow clearing is absurd. Maybe it’s time to re-think how to better manage how the roads are cleared.