If Laura Secord could crawl 20 miles through the Ontario bush in 1813 to warn of an American attack, we can shop local for the duration.
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Woo HOOOOOO! Outstanding leadership choice. Canada Strong #ElbowsUp <3
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Good grief! Selling this nonsense and cowardly hunting practice as conservation? One of your UCP cabinet ministers is the owner of a guided hunting outfit catering to rich Americans...Conflict of interest, perhaps? Additionally, you've made it legal for 12 year olds to use firearms UNSUPERVISED now. What could possibly go wrong?! The prefrontal cortex responsible for decision-making and understanding consequences isn't fully formed until humans are 25. This entire UCP party is an illustrated exercise in bad decision making in real time. Honestly, it's embarrassing watching what new and corrupt self-enrichment scheme and subsequent self-congratulatory news release we have to plow through face-palming at every move this government makes daily. Disgraceful and shameful "governance" all around with Slithering Smith and her clown car of a cabinet.
16 4 1
Our very lives are at stake in the next election with trump's threats to annex Canada and stated intention to ruin our economy. Mark Carney is the only candidate that has the insight and intelligence to protect Canadian interests in this situation, while leading growth in our domestic industries, investing in communities, and increasing international trade relationships. He's a fiscal Conservative with Liberal values. Hopefully he takes Chretien's recommendation of building an east/west pipeline as he understands that O&G can co-exist with renewables increasing our country's development of the energy sector. Carney displays the polar opposite of the rage and blame that comes from the Conservative leader and brings stability and hope for Canada's future, even in these troubled times.
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Better vote for a different party than the UCP next time as they are certainly aren't building any mental health support programs with our federal healthcare dollars. LGBTQ2S+ have always been here, as long as humans have been around.
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We should stop subsiding it, at the very least, but she doesn't want to offend her imaginary friend down south.
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What about "buy Alberta agricultural products"... oh right, soon to be tainted by toxic selenium concentrations. Why aren't you standing up for ranchers and farmers in the face of the Grassy Mountain coal mining project?
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Not even maybe. So they can funnel it to one of their corrupt corporate buddies? No thanks! #FireTheUCP #CorruptCarePublicInquiryNow
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What could possibly go wrong with them self-appointing a retired judge to oversee the process? He has nothing to lose, not event the exorbitant sum he's being paid. Have you seen the video that outlines the depth of the wrongdoing? It stinks. This UCP government is rotten to the core and up to their necks in corruption across all departments, as one of their cabinet ministers said in his resignation summary. We need a PUBLIC inquiry.
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No listings have been posted by R. Samantha Istance
Headline should read, "Slithering Smith continues to impoverish Albertans and leaves more federal money on the table". The United Control-Freak Party.
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