Wow. Tone-deaf in the extreme. Never enough "freedumb" for some guys.
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"Parents' rights" is a new term for an old concept, that parents who are "believers" ALSO believe that gives them the right to force various religious doctrines on their children because they fundamentally see them as THEIRS, not as individuals in their own right.
At the heart of this law is more anti-science, that homosexuality is just a "lifestyle" and "gender dysphoria" is a modern construct that they feel punishment or denial will rightly curtail. Unbelievable arrogance.
Why not just "homeschool" them then instead, or find a Catholic school, or a religious charter school that the UCP prefers for this very reason, instead of thinking you can inflict your religion on the entire public system?!
This law shows that religious people have covertly gained control of this government, even though I haven't heard of a referendum on whether or not people want a THEOCRACY here. Pretty sure the majority DO NOT.
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"Justin Trudeau's favourite tax?" It's like the "Canadian Taxpayer's Federation" has no actual members and exists solely as a lobby group for the battering ram that is the current Conservative Party of Canada. The former, respectable "Progressive Conservative Party" has become the "Convoy Party of Canada."
Interestingly, the concept of a carbon tax is actually a conservative idea because it's market-based. However, when the majority of the party membership votes NO on the question, "Is climate change REAL?" at a recent convention, and could be seen to give the same answer to whether or not the covid VIRUS was real, or the pandemic, or epidemiology, or expertise, I'd say THESE are more pertinent questions. And Harper WAS the first PM to MUZZLE scientists after all...
And btw, sources matter: The Canadian Climate Institute says the carbon tax's contribution to inflation was a mere .15%.
Bottom line, Nenshi DOES accept science, including the science of climate change.
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Wow hyperbole, nasty, shocking, and CASUAL defamation, and such a stream of outright, bald-faced lies that no reasonable person knows where to start, like EVIL Rachel Notley in her "debate" with Smith.
Talk about "alternative facts" and an "alternative reality," both gems introduced to politics by conservatives along with their trademark "bozo eruptions." Not funny anymore.
Like the FACT that inflation is widespread since the pandemic and largely caused by CORPORATE GREED, not governments, corporations including big oil who is lucky enough to have oil and gas lobbyists for government here.
But of course the pandemic wasn't REAL any more than climate change is real because under super-religious Preston Manning's "Reform" conservatives, scientists inexplicably and seemingly out of the blue deserve be MUZZLED. No more expertise or arts or humanities or intellectualism, no post secondary education in anything other than BUSINESS because after all, that's all that matters. Awesome.
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The most obvious thing to do is NOT vote for conservatives at any level of government because they're anti-science, anti-intellectual, and anti-change, despite that being the central premise of life. So they don't "believe" in climate change just as more of them didn't "believe" that covid was even serious, or that there was a pandemic, or that vaccines were necessary or that masks worked. The political right wing has never been more wrong, which makes them a threat to us all.
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True. It's embarrassing. As if the trucker convoy wasn't enough, these yobs won't ever "get it." There's a facebook page called "Alberduh Freedumb Fyters" that kind of sums it up.
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So according to your conservative narrative, and it IS a conservative "narrative," that is a predictable, oft-repeated set of ideas about how the economic and political world works that soothe the larger amygdala (the "reptile" part of the brain that sparks fear) found in the brains of conservatives. Your cohort is more afraid of change apparently. Google "conservative brain" and see what I mean. You can just dismiss all educated people as "elites" and project your suspicion that everyone and every THING is solely motivated by money because that's how you think. From that paranoid perspective then THOUSANDS of scientists with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are simply PAID PROPAGANDISTS?! And anyone who studied a subject intensely for years is just part of an "elite?" True, and such elites have also consistently advanced human society as we know it. Still are. Denialism has become dangerous.
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That's irrational. We're all stuck within the system we have built until we can change it. Calling doctors fools? Then with your warped logic I guess you won't want to turn to one of them when you're sick?
Life is about changing to adapt to different circumstances; that's what this is, and people who don't defer to new knowledge have never been more dangerous to the rest of us.
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The world is bigger than your little corner you know. And there are people who know far more than you do about the changes that are happening in our environment
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No listings have been posted by Tris Pargeter
Wow. Talk about "overreach." Shows how much ideology comes into everything these incompetent control freaks do, and how little interest they actually HAVE in improving conditions for people, a.k.a. GOVERNING.
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