What the heck is going on?
These 3 individuals were heavily involved in the drug trade & had restricted weapons.
They have been RELEASED & are to appear in court on March 19. Are they actually going to show up to get their slap on the wrist?
There is something DREADFULLY wrong with our justice system if these people are allowed to walk the streets for the next 2 weeks & continue their illegal activities.
In the USA they would be locked up until their court appearance & when convicted would receive a much more severe sentence than they wll get in Canada.
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If they removed135 acres of agricultural land from production this is far from a good thing.
I think the foothills county is making a bad decision!
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Cardinal got off very easy under the circumstances. There is something wrong with our justice system when people do things like this & get a slap on the wrist!
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How can someone like this get out on bail after setting a house on fire & 2 adjacent ones as well as assaulting police officers? I hope they laid a good beating on him!
Our judicial system needs a huge overhaul.
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His sentence is not appropriate for what he did. An proper sentence would be at least 3 years in prison, before eligible for parole. The guy is a menace to society.
I don't care what his background was, he still knows right from wrong.
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The missing person was found on Oct 3. Why did it take until Oct 6 for the public to become aware of this?
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Her story is pure crap!
Anyone going that fast knows what they are doing.
The Crown also had their head up their rectum. They should have asked for at least a 1 year license suspension.
It is unfortunate that her daughter was ill & passed away, but that has nothing to do with her vehicle speed & the minimal sentence she received.
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No listings have been posted by Dwaen Panter
This is another case of our extremely weak justice system!
The driver of the vehicle that caused the death of 2 people by crossing to the wrong side of the road -why?Was she on her phone? She should have have a 10 year driving suspension & a fine of at least $50,000!
You are very welcome to publish my name.
This is just another example of the Trudeau "catch & release" justice system.
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