Let's face it, Danielle is a control freak of the highest order. She has to stick her mug into everything then she is surprised and plays dumb when something untoward happens.
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Switching Carney for Trudeau, is like pooping your pants and only changing your shirt.
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Hey Bill, Where do you live? My last gas bill from a week ago still has over $70 in Carbon Levy.(plus GST) It's not gone yet. They are only talking about getting rid of it. We shall see what happens on April 1st when it is scheduled to be raised, again. Then we will see if it is really gone.
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It is really hard to believe that Danielle, who has to have her nose into every government department, does not know about this scandal. Horsefeathers.
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Maybe underground parking should be required for these developments. More security, better in winter, no hail damage.
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The twisted and tangled Alberta flag in the photo is a good metaphor for the UCPs under Danielle.
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'The change to biweekly garbage pickup will save money for taxpayers....by cutting the service in half. Okotoks' council logic on display.
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I am not at all surprised. Her record speaks for itself..
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Gripe all you want but tis City Council is tone deaf. They all know what is good for us taxpayers and really don't care about our opinions. Their past record proves it. Growth, growth and more growth. The million $ CP Rail fence that no one wanted (or needed) for just one example.
I am wondering, with all the growth in this city and all the new taxpayers coming on line, why are we still facing an average 14% tax increase. Don't those new residents pay taxes? There should be a larger tax base to draw from shouldn't there?
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No listings have been posted by John Kirkland
Thanks for nothing Danielle. You promised an income tax break but that does not help pensioners. All they every get from you is MORE TAXES. But, but, Alberta does not have a sales tax, The Alberta Advantage, blah, blah, blah. Bring on an election. But you fixed that already didn't you with the banning of electronic vote counting. A Sneaky MAGA is all you really are.
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