She'll stay on until it is expedient for our esteemed Premier to throw her under the bus....
16 4 0
Federal jurisdiction - do your own job! Y'all are running around like chickens with their heads cut off!
6 0 0
Especially for the next 4 years!
0 0 0
It was a great event!
0 0 0
Careless and disrespectful. There should be a fine or other censure
1 2 2
Not harsh enough punishment. Lifetime ban on driving? Jail time for sure
1 0 0
Our politicians were foolish, just feeding Trump's ego. The only comment should have been "You'll be President, once we see what you do we'll determine what we need to do" And then be quiet and let him ponder things
0 0 0
Add the 25% onto the hydro power going from Quebec to New York....
2 0 1
Why are we mining coal when we can't burn it? We sell it to the biggest CO2 producer in the world...
12 2 0
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The UCP has to go on the scrap heap
5 1 0