Visitors at one of Foothills County's most famous attractions had an unfortunate experience after finding a dead fawn atop Big Rock.
According to Jamie Dyck, a volunteer park preserver for the Okotoks Erratic, a family reported the corpse at approximately 5:30 p.m. on June 12.
"Visitors call me all summer asking for hours, if there's bathrooms, reporting vandalism, and now dead animals at the attraction," said Dyck.
Dyck says that after she contacted Alberta Fish and Wildlife, her son and his friends removed the body at about 7:00 p.m.
According to the person who submitted the photo, the body had no visible injuries or signs of trauma.
Neither Dyck nor the person who found the body could comment on why the fawn was on top of the nine-metre-tall structure, how long it was there for, or its cause of death.
Fawns tend to lay motionless when alone, and can be found in public places — avoid approaching or interacting with fawns.