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Poll results:

Do you support the ‘freedom convoy’ truckers protest?

1041 total votes   Added

Yes 738 votes 70.89%
No 303 votes 29.11%
Comments 3
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Malcolm Hughes

Tell me how less that .001 percent of the population can wreak such havoc on a country? And tell me how that minuscusle percentage of the industry can say that their freedom is suppressed. The only thing suppressed here are decency, common sense and the ability of normal Canadians to live a normal life. This is NOT the USA.

Lillian Dyck

I am sorry to see the results of the survey. Driving to see my father in a care home in Lethbridge I barely made it over the Fort McLeod bridge before the convoy closed it. I worried all day about how I would return home and had to change direction three times, ended up driving home on gravel back roads in the dark. I felt like a fugitive in my own country, intimidated and trying to run a gauntlet just to get home. What has happened in Canada? Where is the peaceful protest? When did intimidating behavior become acceptable? Would those same people feel it was okay if they were stopped on their way to see family? to return home? to go to work? This is not the Canada that we all love. We are so fortunate to live in a safe country, lets not throw that away. We cannot control the pandemic, but we can control our behavior - we need to count our blessings , enjoy our democracy, practice good manners to all, and work through this together.

Clay Stowell

This is not the Canada you think you live in. This government wants to control everything you do and even think. They take your property for no valid reason, stop you from travel without papers. I proudly support people brave enough to give up comfort for what they believe in.

Cam Evenson
Cam Evenson

I find so many people have little or no understanding of how goods get to their door. There are on average 8000 ships in route at any one time on the oceans worldwide transporting goods. (If you want to see the actual scope go to the webpage: All goods in some way have to be removed from these ships are being trucked. So being somewhat incentive to the trucking industry and just assuming a trucker should work in an unsafe and sometimes dangerous environment is very inconsiderate. But the mandates are such that make trucking of goods next to impossible. Requiring a covid free test each time a load is transferred to the US or between provinces. And some drivers do provincial transports in the course of their driving day. Most Truckers are vaccinated (90%) they are protesting mandates that will draw out transport to weeks rather than days. Being vaccinated is not prevention for Covid, and you can die from it anyway regardless of precautions.

The Western Wheel poll is a sampling of public opinion intended solely to allow our readers to express themselves on issues of the day. Its findings may not be representative of the general population of Okotoks and Foothills or other areas.

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