The mainstream media. The same people who say the Conservatives want to re-open the discussion.
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This is not the Canada you think you live in. This government wants to control everything you do and even think. They take your property for no valid reason, stop you from travel without papers. I proudly support people brave enough to give up comfort for what they believe in.
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kinda sounds like that is in violation of the lock down rules.
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We need to let small business open up so Trudeau can stop giving away our money!
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Once again the Liberal government is trying to eliminate the culture and heritage of firearms ownership in Canada. The Minister is following a script and is trying to convince fellow Canadians that firearms are not part of our history. I feel so insulted that he thinks of me as a criminal and that I am not a responsible citizen.
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who said we do not have a firearms culture in this great country.
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No listings have been posted by Clay Stowell
I think the answer is to create a national firearms prohibition data base that would keep track of the thousands of individuals who have a "firearms prohibition order" filed against them and stop spending all the wasted money on tracking the law abiding Canadian firearms enthusiasts.#Trudeaumustgo
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