The reason is easy: she'll block the money, then later down the road bÏtch and moan that the federal government isn't doing anything for Albertans. Same story every single time. Problem is, the magat following that lick her boots will believe her.
2 0
Queen Danielle working on what’s in her own best interests…. again. How MAGA of her…
11 1 0
What a goof. Move to the city if it's so bothersome to you. Going outside must just hurt for you some days.
5 1
Not to mention all he's done all his adult life is suck on the tēēt of taxpayers. Time to unemploy him from politics and make him get a real job for once in his life!
5 3
Too bad Volker Stevin missed the forecast and failed to return.
Hopefully there were no serious accidents or worse on account of their lack of ability. They need to be held accountable.
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Those are federal election rules, not party election rules (not saying it's right or wrong), so when an election is held and he runs for a seat, this would need to occur.
"...elected officials have 60 days to share this information with the ethics commissioner and another 60 days before it becomes public."
I see little PP is all over this. The question is, who would you rather have running the country? A proven economist who led us through the 2008 recession with great success, or a guy who has never had a real job in his life and is a career politician (not something to be proud of).
4 5
Absolutely. Despite what he is now saying, Pollievre was absolutely modeling himself after the far-right Trump MAGAt ideology. As we are now seeing and all learning, there is no place for that in a democracy.
3 2
So then they drove their vehicle out there? smrt!
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Terrible location.
But Tim Hortons has turned to garbage anyways under the new ownership.
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No listings have been posted by mateo_ca
$2000 and banned from driving for three months. Wow.
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