The fear mongering is ridiculous.. I don’t agree with Trump‘s tactics. I do feel that he thinks our current government is corrupt, and that people here need an incentive to choose a different government. Trudeau and his lack of attention to our border has created a huge mess obviously. On top of all of the other atrocities. We don’t even have a parliament anymore. Where is the explanation for the missing $600 million green slush fund? Where is the explanation for the $61 billion deficit? They buried it amongst all the chaos going on with our PM resigning and another equally corrupt person to take his place. Why aren’t people more aware of what is going on in Ottawa and fighting it. We are hostages in our own country. People need to start paying attention to what is going on in Ottawa. Trump is stirring the pot and people aren’t getting it. If the Libs win another election, there will be huge consequences.
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The whole reason why Trump wants to put tariffs on our goods is because of the weak federal government that has decimated our ability to defend ourselves and allowed people to cross the border into the United States illegally. Danielle taking initiative to look after Alberta is honorable. Alberta‘s oil keeps the rest of the country going. And we get a horrible deal from federal government and the rest of the provinces that benefit from the money Alberta makes. Good for Danielle looking out for Albertas best interests
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I have had people tailgate me while I am behind a slower vehicle in the passing lane. Even when it’s unsafe for me to change lanes to get around the slower vehicle. These idiots tail getting so close are going to kill somebody.
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This is tragic. My condolence's to the family that had this happen to them. I can only imagine how heartbreaking this is for them.
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Most people support this, I question the motives and morality of anyone who questions the protection of children. It is not legal for anyone under 18 to buy alcohol, so how can you possibly justify a 5 year to decide to do a completely life altering procedure? Seriously, it’s demonic. Also there isn’t a civilization that doesn’t have a religious component to it, so if you’re against that too, start looking for an acreage on the moon.
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I think you are going to run into a lot of upset people with this suggestion for obvious reasons. How do you propose to hunt them in town? White tail deer and mule deer meat have a very strong taste. Although it’s controversial, many people enjoy the deer in town. Surely there are better solutions to these two issues.
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The RCMP gave notice saying not to share images of the police on social media, yet it was all over social media. It’s funny how people have no self control anymore.
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This seems ridiculous. How could a stop sign within the town limits on a town street not be under the town’s jurisdiction?!
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A chain link fence isn’t necessarily aesthetically unpleasing. It is easy to maintain and doesn’t need to be painted over the years. I realize there is a deer problem, but I don’t think wooden fences are the answer. It’s better than a wooden fence that somebody leaves to rot and lean or fall over.
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No listings have been posted by Terri Olson
He’ll be remembered for so many mistakes & failures, his divisiveness throughout Covid, his corrupt dealings with SNL Lavalin, excessive spending on things that Canadian taxpayers had no say in like money to countries to support LGBT & contraception when Canadians were lined up at food banks & losing their homes & all this was more for virtue signalling than anything else. He put Canadians in a stranglehold over environmental policies that don’t even make sense to 3rd graders. Most recently he did not explain why the Canadian deficit went over by $21 billion of what they promised & there was never any explanation of what happened to the $600 million green slush fund. Parliament was stopped until he provided the slush fund & that never happened. Then he prorogued parliament until a new leader of the liberal party could be assigned. He is the absolute worst leader Canada has ever had & should be in jail for all his crimes along with his cabinet ministers that agreed to all of this.
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