JT was the weakest, most cowardly PM Canada has ever know, and it better stay that way. Silver spooners should NEVER hold such high positions - lording over us common folk like we are his sugar mamas and papas.
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WOKE: has been morphed to mean "skewing and or ignoring facts and history to suit a current or specific agenda". It has nothing to do with the population of deer in town.
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It was Steven Harper who led us through the 2008 financial crisis.
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The few parallel statements between The Donald and Pierre are NOT evil statements. I supported the truckers, I believe that immigration should be kept in check, as with the borders. Some of Trumps ideas are good, just his attacks and the way he deals with them are abhorrent to the rest of the world, except the dictators he admires. Many of his ideas are just horrible, and Pierre does not parallel those ones. Pay attention folks.
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No listings have been posted by Della Haines
He will be known for legalizing pot - mostly to keep himself and his dealer, mama, friends, etc. from getting a criminal record. School lunch existed before him, Carbon taxes do diddly squat for the environment. There IS a better way to reduce carbon than to break us financially and shove it down our throats.
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