An iconic German fairy tale is coming to Okotoks.
Hansel and Gretel is the latest production by the Dewdney Players, the Okotoks and Foothills area's very own theatre troupe.
The production, adapted for the Rotary Arts Performing Centre stage by Kelly Kozak, promises to put a comedic and musical spin on the classic story.
"There's a lot more characters in this version, so a lot of kind of intertwining things happening and it's almost like a lot of different worlds colliding," said Kozak, who is responsible for writing and directing the play, along with choreography, costume design and more.
"It's really interesting and we've put a lot of comedic elements into it, a ton of music, some dancing, so it's a visual and audio feast."
The troupe's 10-show run of Hansel and Gretel starts on Friday, April 26 and ends on Saturday, May 11. Get tickets on Showpass.
The Dewdney Players previously performed a trio of one-act productions in March, and won the outstanding director and outstanding technical merit accolades at the Alberta Drama Festival Association's Foothills Regional Festival.