This is a significant increase. Perhaps it's time our council sharpen the pencils and revisit the proposed 4.8% increase for 2025. Reconsider the timing of the downtown redevelopment and strictly focus on providing core services rather than pipe dreams. Also, don't be afraid to tell Fire that they don't need the latest gadget out there to fight a fire.
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Conservatives dividing us? What a joke that is....We've just gone through 10 years of the most hated PM in Canada's history. They made flags and bumper stickers about this jerk. Taxing the heck out of us and sending our money to other countries. Good riddance. Lets bring on some common sense.
3 5
Just another dumb decision from the mayor and council..,
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A couple of wingnut speakers - should be entertaining to say the least!
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Please Sherry, do tell? What exactly has Smith and her whacko clan of take back alberta drones done to improve our lives on the daily...Lemme see......absolutely nothing!
7 1
The Q & A with the Mayor could have been conducted more professionally.
The Mayor specifically asked for questions to be submitted ahead of time on the Shape our Town website so surely she must have had an inkling as to what was to come during the in-person questioning. It seemed as though she was unprepared for some of them. For those that she couldn't answer I would have preferred her to say let me get your contact info and I will get back to you with a solid answer. Hopefully that happened.
Also, looking to the back of the room for answers is very unprofessional. If there is an individual that works for the town in attendance and manages a certain file why not prompt them to come forward and speak to the question.
Lastly, where were the Councillors that we pay $43k a year for part time work? Why were they not on the stage to take some accountability for their actions? Voting with the Mayor has consequences....
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Fabulous. Now do an analysis and article on Councillor expense reports. I see a hair dresser claiming $600 a day in lost wages when attending questionable events....
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It was slightly alarming during the Mayor's question period how little the Mayor actually knew about what was going on.....
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It's getting ridiculous. Did a single member of council vote against a tax increase? Nope.
My taxes have increased $1100 over two years. It's great that the value of my home has increased but the taxes are so high, I can't imagine anyone buying it especially with how terrible the town services are....time for an election!
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No listings have been posted by we need a revolution
Its always one guy who thinks he knows better who ruins it for the rest of us. The logic here does not make any sense.
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