Dear Editor,
Re: Increasing deer numbers call for action, March 19
The Town has an obligation to address the growth and invasion of the deer population. I have spent the last two summers removing the thousands of dollars of shrubs that I stupidly planted when we moved onto the greenspace. More plantings will need to be removed again this summer.
If the Town doesn't have the will to remove these deer, then perhaps it would consider reimbursing taxpayers for the cost of the plants and other damage the deer cause. Or perhaps the Town would consider hiring extra staff to clean up the debris and droppings the deer leave behind.
Or perhaps about this time of year the Town should begin repopulating the pregnant does to the mountains where they can raise their young in the wilderness, where they belong. Otherwise, the does will train their offspring to inhabit the very yards that the mothers have come to possess.
Perhaps the Town might be forced to act when children and pets begin to succumb to the diseases that this deer population leaves on our property and parks.
Where there is a will, there is a way. I'm certain I'm not the only resident who is very tired of feeling like we live in a barnyard. And I'm very tired that the Town seems to think this problem is a taxpayers’ problem.
Joyce Johnston
Deer were here first Joyce….and I happen to like our deer.
Next time plant junipers….deer won’t eat those.
As for the town being a barnyard you are right about that Joyce BUT no fault of the deer
It’s the people here or from Calgary not picking up after their dogs as well as throwing their empty Tim’s cups out their car windows.
Actually the Mule deer is an invasive species. Deer ate my juniper.
No they didn’t Paul
Why are you living in a community so close to the Alberta wilderness if you're not able to live harmoniously with the wildlife? Don't like the deer eating your flowers, then plant snapdragons or foxgloves, or something the deer won't eat. Alternatively, put up deer fencing around your garden area. If you are not populating your garden with deer resistant plants, you are part of the problem for cultivating attractants and are the sole reason the deer are in your garden in the first place.
It doesn’t matter what you plant the deer eat it.
It’s about time the town does something.
And for all you deer lovers catch a couple and keep them in your own back yard!
We have planted "deer resistant" shrubs, trees, plants, nothing is safe. We put up wire fencing, sprayed, NOTHING works. I watched a deer lean into our neighbors wire barricade, bend it, stomp on it and destroy his brand new tree. Thats not natural behavior. The feces they leave are lo longer pellets, they look like large, dog feces, again, not natural. People feeding by hand in some cases (I have pictures) and encouraging "domestication" is the issue. I guess building a wire compound around my property is next, for those that want a nice yard, its really the only option. Won't that make Okotoks a desirable community to move to?
Deer were here first? So were wolves, prairies and much wildlife. Life has changed, move on!
Mavis want’s to erase history
Have you tried one of those motion activated sprinklers?
Yes sir. Worked at first. Neighbor has a motion activated air horn, ya it no longer works either.
I quite like the deer. As a matter of fact we had 1 doe and 4 yearlings grazing on our lawn this afternoon. The deer have as much right to be here as we do. In many instances their behaviour is far better than alot of people in this town.
Reimbursing taxpayers for damage?? Good grief Joyce. Do your homework and plant vegetation that the deer don't like. I have a beautiful front garden every year and the deer don't bother with it because I did a small amount of research. The only invasive species here are the people who move here and expect that they are entitled to some sort of compensation because they lost some posies to wildlife. Get a grip Joyce.
I posted above. We have tried everything. We went to the garden centers, contacted a number of landscape companies, environmental organizations, chemical companies. We spent nearly $2500 last year in "deer resistant plants, trees and shrubs, including a pine tree which we were told they aren't capable of digesting. We sprayed, motion sensor sprayers. We changed our entire landscaping plan to accommodate. ALL, every single plant, tree and shrub is destroyed. We cleaned up our yard of the Chernobyl looking deer poop last night and filled a bag. Not dog, just deer. They aren't behaving naturally.
I am definitely in full agreement with Joyce Johnston. I spent hundreds of dollars last year trying to beautify my front yard even though I was very careful to buy deer resistant plants which they destroyed anyway. Don't get me wrong I like the deer but they are out of control in Okotoks.
Lady you are the invasion not the other way around. You people make me sick. You have deer in your yard not meth heads and junkies searching for cans. Give your head a shake Joyce or should i say Karen.
You moved here and didn't give any thought or planning to what you planted and are upset because wild animals are sustaining their life on it. Really. Plant deer resistant plants and admire the beautiful deer in your yard.
Classy. Please read above.
I have lived here 20 yrs, I love the deer. I protect my back yard and they don’t bother and I am on a green space. Never have had a bad encounter walking my dog even with several bucks nearby.
Sounds like you need to go back to the city if you don’t like the wildlife. There are more important things to complain about.